The Margaret Peacock Memorial Garden is on the move, quite literally!  The West Gardiner Garden Club decided some time ago to honor one of its founding members, the late Margaret Peacock, by creating a memorial garden at the Town Office.  The Club was ready to begin work this spring when the Town decided to install a new, electronic sign just where we were planning to put the garden.

With everyone working together, a solution came quickly — the garden decided to move next door to the Historical Society site.  The Selectmen and the Historical Society graciously offered the Garden Club space on this land for the Memorial Garden.  Work on the garden will be delayed until the site work and the slab are completed for the Historical Society building.  The Club expects to begin work at the end of the summer by establishing the bed and planting perennials.  The final garden work will be completed next spring.
If you would like to be involved in some way – offering a service, donating supplies or cash, or in another way we haven’t thought of, please just let us know.  The contact person for donations is Charlene McFarland by phone at 582-7239.

Update Fall 2021

First, we want to thank everyone who is supporting this effort.

Second, at the request of the Selectmen, construction of this Memorial Garden will be postponed until the outside work on the new Historical Society building is completed. In the meantime, the Club is meeting with a gardening expert, Jean Vose, on Saturday, November 13th to plan the layout and the selection of plants.